Bible Study Display

Mark 5:1-20

by Mark Yang   05/22/2022  



Mark 5:1-20

Key Verse: 5:9a

1. What did it mean for Jesus to enter the region of the Gerasenes (1)? Describe the man who met Jesus (2-5). How did he relate to others and to himself? What does this tell us about the work of demons?

2. What was the man’s reaction to Jesus and his words (6-8)? In contrast to the people of the region, what was Jesus’ view of this man and his problem?

3. What does it mean that Jesus asked the man’s name (9a)? How did the man’s answer and request reveal his inner confusion about his identity (9b-10)?

4. What did the demons beg, and what did Jesus permit (11-13a)? What happened to the man and the pigs (13b,15)? What was people’s response to the man and to Jesus (14,16-17)? How does this challenge the value system of people then and now?

5. Read verses 18-19. Contrary to the man’s request, what did Jesus tell him to do? How was this unusual (1:44a; 5:43; 8:26, et. al.)? How did he respond (20)? Why was this important? What does this passage teach us about Jesus?