Bible Study Display

Mark 8:27-9:1

by Mark Yang   05/22/2022  



Mark 8:27-9:1

Key Verse: 8:29

1. Where did Jesus and his disciples go and why (27)? What was common in the two questions Jesus asked (28-29a)? What does the people’s view of Jesus tell us about him? Why is it important to know who Jesus is (Jn 17:3; Ac 4:12)?

2. Read verse 29. What did Peter mean by confessing, “You are the Messiah" (Jer 23:5; Mk 1:1,11)? What does confessing Jesus as the Messiah mean to us personally (Ro 10:9-10)? Why did he warn them not to tell anyone (30)?

3. After hearing Peter's confession, what did Jesus begin to teach his disciples (31)? Why “must” the Messiah do these things (Isa 53:4-5,10; 1 Pet 2:24)? In what respect was it hard for Peter to accept Jesus’ teaching (32)? Why did Jesus rebuke Peter, calling him “Satan” (33)?

4. Read verse 34. What does Jesus require of anyone who would follow him? What does it mean to “deny themselves,” “take up their cross,” and “follow” Jesus?

5. What warnings and promises does Jesus give (35-9:1)? How does this encourage us to follow Jesus as his disciples in this sinful and adulterous generation?