Bible Study Display

Luke 11:1-13

by Mark Yang   05/28/2022  



Luke 11:1-13

Key Verse: 11:2

1. What request did one disciple make of Jesus (1)? What motivated them to ask about prayer? What did Jesus teach about the contents of prayer (2-4)?

2. Read verse 2. How did Jesus teach them to address God? In what respect was this revolutionary (Ro 8:15; Jn 20:17)? Why did Jesus give “hallowed be your name” as the first prayer topic? What does “your kingdom come” mean?

3. What prayer topics does Jesus give regarding practical needs (3-4)? Why pray for “daily” bread (Pr 30:7-9)? What is the significance of being forgiven and forgiving others? Why do we need to pray about temptation (1 Pe 5:8)?

4. What did Jesus teach about our attitude in prayer through a parable (5-8)? How did Jesus reinforce this teaching (9-10)? What should we learn from this practically?

5. In what respect are all fathers alike (11-13)? How much more is our loving heavenly Father likely to give us the best gifts? What is the best gift?