Bible Study Display

John 6:1-15

by Mark Yang   06/05/2022  


Lesson 13


John 6:1-15

Key Verse: 11

  1. Where did this event take place? (1,3) Who participated? What time is mentioned? (4) Why had the great crowd followed Jesus? (2)

  2. What did Jesus ask Philip when he saw the great crowd approaching? (5,6) In what respect do you think he was testing Philip? What hope did Jesus have for Philip? How did Philip answer? (7) What kind of person was Philip?

  3. What did Andrew suggest? (8,9) How was his attitude and way of thinking different from that of Philip? How could Andrew have made this suggestion? How did Jesus help his disciples participate in this event? (10) Why was it necessary?

  4. What did Jesus do with the five loaves and two fish Andrew had brought to him? (11) How much could everyone have to eat? (11b) (Eph 3:20) How does this event reveal God’s love and power? How can we feed hungry people when we have nothing to work with?

  5. After Jesus had fed the crowd, what did he command the disciples to do? (12) How much food was left over? (13) How did the people respond to this event? (14) Why did Jesus withdraw to a mountain by himself? (15)