Romans 9:30-10:21
Key Verse: 10:9
1. How did the Gentiles obtain righteousness, while the Jews failed to do so (9:30-32a)? To whom does the stumbling stone refer, and how was this prophecy fulfilled (32b-33; Isa 8:14; 28:16)?
2. What was Paul’s heart’s desire and prayer for the Israelites (10:1)? What was the strong point of the Israelites, and why did they fail (2-3)? In what way is Christ the culmination of the law, and how is this related to God’s righteousness (4; Mt 5:17; Gal 3:24)?
3. What contrast does Paul make in verses 5-6a? What does the quotation of Deuteronomy 30:12-14 teach about the righteousness by faith (6b-8)?
4. Read verse 9. What is the message of faith? What does it mean that “Jesus is Lord” (Ro 1:4)? Why is this confession of faith important (10)? Who is Jesus to you?
5. What does God promise in Scripture (11-13)? What can we learn here about God? Who initiates gospel preaching, and how can we call on the name of the Lord (14-15)? How do the rhetorical questions emphasize the importance of outreach?
6. How did the Israelites respond to the good news (16-21)? What can we learn about God’s way of working and his heart for obstinate people?