Bible Study Display


by Mark Yang   06/11/2022  


Lesson 1


2 Corinthians 1:1-24

Key Verse: 1:3

  • God Comforts Us (1-11)

1. Who wrote this letter and to whom? (1) How did Paul firmly establish his apostleship? How did Paul bless the church in and the Christians in Achaia?

2. Read verses 3-4. For what reasons does Paul praise God? What does the “Father of our Lord Jesus Christ” mean? (Jn 20:17) How does this relate to “the Father of compassion,” and “the God of all comfort”? What do these mean to the Corinthians, to Paul and to us? What attitude should we have when we are in trouble? (4; 1 Pe 2:20-21; 4:13)

3. Through Christ, what overflows in our lives? (5) How was Paul’s suffering related to the Corinthian believers? (6-7) What is the meaning of their sufferings?

4. How much had Paul suffered in the province of ? (8,9a; Ac ; -41) What did Paul learn through this suffering? (9b) What assurance and hope could Paul have through the hardships suffered in ? (10) How had they helped him? For what was Paul thankful? (11)

  • In Christ, Always Yes (12-24)

5. Of what does Paul boast? (12) Who is the source of holiness and sincerity? Why did he mention this? (13-14) Why is it important that they understand and trust him?

  1. What was Paul’s original plan to visit and why? (15-16) What did the Corinthians think about Paul when he didn’t follow his original plan? (17) What did Paul teach them about the faithfulness of God? About his faithfulness to God and to the gospel? (18,19)

  2. In what respect are God’s promises “yes” in Christ? (20; Mt 26:39; Jn 17:4; Jn 15:10b) How did Paul follow Jesus’ example? What does “Amen” mean? What attitude should we have toward the will of God?

  3. What did God do for both Paul and the Corinthians? (21-22) Why did Paul remind them that it was God who was working among them? Based on this, how did Paul defend himself and help their faith? (23) What principle of Paul’s ministry can we learn here? (24)