Bible Study View


by Mark Yang   05/01/2022   Jude 1:1~25



Jude 1:1-25

Key Verse: 3b

“I felt compelled to write and urge you to contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to God’s holy people.”

1. What is the significance of Jude’s identification as “a servant of Jesus Christ” (1a)? How did Jude describe his readers and greet them (1b-2)?

2. What urged Jude to write this letter (3-4)? What dangerous false teachings were the believers to confront? What do “contend for the faith” and “once for all entrusted to God’s holy people” mean to them? What does this mean to us?

3. What examples of God’s judgment does Jude remind his readers of (5-11)? What common factors are there? How does Jude apply these examples to false teachers? What do these events teach us about God?

4. How did Jude describe the false teachers and why did he pronounce woes on them (12-16)? What destiny awaits them?

5. How did Jude warn and exhort his dear friends (17-23)? What does “building yourselves up in the most holy faith” mean? How can we practically do this? Why is mercy needed?

6. What does the doxology reveal about who God and Jesus Christ are (24-25)?