Genesis Lesson 1
Genesis 1:1-25
Key Verse 1:1
Memorize verse 1. How did the heavens and the earth come into existence? How is this ‘In the beginning’ different from that of John 1:1? What does ‘the heavens and the earth’ mean? (Col 1:16)
What does the word ‘creation’ imply? (Jn 1:3) Compare this to evolution theory. Who is God who created the heavens and the earth? (Ex 3:14; Rev 1:8)
What was the state of the earth when it was created (2a)? What do the words ‘formless’, ‘empty’, and ‘darkness’ mean? What work was the Spirit of God performing (2b)? Think about the role of the Holy Spirit in the work of creation.
What did God say first (3)? Think about God who created light. (Ps 104:2; 1Ti 6:16; 1Jn 1:5; 2Co 4:6).
Write down what God created during the six days (3-27). Do you find some structure and order in it?
With what did God create all things? (Heb 11:3) Find the verses where ‘God said’, ‘it was so’ are repeated. Think about the power of God’s words.
What was God’s testimony when He saw what He had created (4,10,12,18,21,25)? What can we learn here about the meaning and purpose of created things? (Ps 19:1)
What things did God create, each according to its kind (11,12,21,24,25)? What does this tell about who God is?
How did God place each created thing (9,15,16,20,24)? Think about God who established the order of the universe and manages it.