Bible Study View


by Mark Yang   05/08/2022   Genesis 12:1~13:18


Genesis Lesson 8


Genesis 12:1-13:18

Key Verse 12:2

  1. What problem did Abram’s family have (11:27-32)? With what command did God call Abram (12:1)? Why did God command him to leave his country, his people, and his father’s household? (Jos 24:2,3)

  2. What did God promise him (2,3)? Think about the meaning of ‘a great nation’, ‘make your name great’, ‘will be a blessing.’ (Ge 18:18-19; Ex 19:5-6; 1Pe 2:9; Gal 3:14,16) What hope do you think God gave Abram?

  3. What ultimate purpose did God have in making Abram a source of blessing (3b)? (Gal 3:8-9) Think about God who began a new work of blessing by calling one man, Abram.

  4. How did Abram respond to God’s call (12:4)? On what basis did Abram begin his life of faith? Who went with him? How must Abram have felt when he left his country and home to go to the land God showed him? (Heb 11:8)

  5. Although God promised to give him the land of Canaan, who was living there (5,6)? What new promise did God give him (7a)? What did Abram do (7b)? Describe his life of faith in the land of Canaan (7-9).

  6. What hardship did Abram face first in the Promised Land (10)? How did he try to solve this (11-13)? How was his motive different for going to Egypt than for going to Canaan?

  7. What difficulties did he confront when he arrived in Egypt (14,15)? What bad influence did he have on unbelievers there (16-19)? How did God help Abram (16,17,20; 13:1,2)? What might have Abram learned spiritually through this event (13:3,4)?

  8. When a problem arose between Abram and Lot, how did Abram fix it (5-9)? What was Lot’s motive in choosing his land (10-13)? Which land did Abram take (12a)? After Lot had left, what vision did God impart to Abram (14-17)? What did Abram do then (18)?