Bible Study View


by Mark Yang   05/08/2022   Genesis 23:1~24:67


Genesis Lesson 13


Genesis 23:1-24:67
Key verse 24:3,4

I. Abraham Bought the Cave of Machpelah (23:1-20)

  1. When did Sarah die, and how did it affect Abraham (1,2)? What did Abraham try to do in the midst of profound sorrow (3,4)? What did the Hittites generously offer to Abraham (5-6,10-11)? What was Abraham’s attitude toward pagan neighbors (7-9,12-13)?

  2. Why did Abraham insist on buying the cave from the Hittites, despite their offer (13-20)? What does this show about Abraham’s faith in God’s promise? (Ac 7:5; Heb 11:9,10) What do we learn from Abraham, who bought his land at the proper price? What is the historical significance of Abraham’s purchase of the cave of Macphelah? (Ge 35:27-29; 49:29-32)

II. Abraham’s Faithful Servant (24:1-67)

  1. How did God bless Abraham’s later years (1)? What sort of wife did Abraham want for Isaac (2-4)? Why did Abraham show such concern for Isaac’s marriage? What was the danger of marrying a Canaanite woman? (Dt 7:3,4; 2Co 6:14,15)

  2. In what respect is it hard for the servant to carry out his mission (5)? What assurance did Abraham have that Isaac must not go back with his servant (6-8)? How did the servant receive this mission, and what necessities did he prepare (9,10)?

  3. What did the servant do first in order to carry out the mission entrusted to him (10-14)? How did it become clear that Rebekah was the woman God had chosen (15-27)? Think about God’s work in this process, and what can be learned from the servant who praised and worshipped God for His leading (26,27)?

  4. What kind of woman was Rebekah, the one whom God chose for Isaac (16-20)?

  5. How did Rebekah’s family greet Abraham’s servant (28-33a)? What did Abraham’s servant make clear about himself (33b-34)? What was his testimony and how did Rebekah’s parents respond (35-51)? What did Abraham’s servant do then (52,53)?

  6. Why did the servant want to return home the next morning (54-56)? What did Rebekah decide (57,58)? What do you think of Rebekah’s faith here? How did her sisters bless her as they sent Rebekah off (59,60)?

  7. What was Isaac doing in the field? How must he have felt as he welcomed Rebekah (61-67)? What can we learn in chapter 24 about Abraham’s servant--his faith in God, his faithfulness to the mission and his attitude as a servant? Think about God who established Isaac’s family. How did He work behind the scenes?