Bible Study View

Matthew 10:16-42

by Mark Yang   05/15/2022   Matthew 10:16~42



Matthew 10:16-42

Key Verse 32

  1. How would the world treat Jesus’ apostles and what attitude should they have (16)? What kinds of persecution would they face and why (17-18)? At that time, why should they not worry (19-20)? Do you know any examples of this?

  2. How intense and personal would persecution become (21-22a)? Who would be saved (22b)? How can one both stand firm and flee, and what did Jesus promise (23)? Why are persecutions inevitable (24-25)?

  3. What should disciples fear and not fear, and why (26,28,31)? What should Jesus’ disciples speak up about (27)? How is God’s loving care described (29-31)? Read verses 32-33. What promise is given for those who acknowledge Jesus and how do we do this practically?

  4. How can acknowledging Jesus bring not peace but a sword into a family (34-36)? For his disciples, how did Jesus establish a priority even higher than one’s family (37)? How does this priority actually help us to help our family members?

  5. What does it mean for us to take up our cross and follow Jesus (38)? What paradox did Jesus teach here and what does this mean (39)? In times of persecution, what promise does Jesus give to those who welcome his disciples (40-42)?