Matthew 21:23-22:14
Key verse: 42
What question did the chief priests and elders ask Jesus and why (23;12,15)? What was Jesus’ counter-question, and why couldn’t they answer (24-27)? Why did Jesus talk about John’s baptism?
In Jesus’ short story, what did a father ask his two sons and how did each respond (28-30)? What question did Jesus ask and how did they answer (31a)? How did Jesus apply the story (31b-32)? How should we respond to the gospel message?
In another parable, how did a landowner prepare his vineyard and with what expectation (33-34)? What do the tenants’ and landowner’s actions reveal about them (35-39)? What would happen to the tenants and the vineyard (40-41)?
Read verse 42. Why does Jesus quote Psalm 118:22,23 here? How is Jesus the cornerstone (Ac 4:10-12)? Why is this marvelous to us? How did Jesus apply this (43-44)? How did the religious leaders respond (45-46)?
In Jesus’ next parable, how did the invited guests respond to the king’s repeated invitations to his son’s wedding banquet (22:1-6)? What does this show about God? What would the king do (7)? Who does this first group of invited ones represent?
How did the king fill the wedding hall (8-10)? Who do these guests represent? What does this show about God and his kingdom? What happened to one unprepared guest and what do we learn (11-14)? What does this passage teach us about Jesus and his authority?