Bible Study View

Matthew 22:15-46

by Mark Yang   05/17/2022   Matthew 22:15~46



Matthew 22:15-46

Key verse 44

  1. With whom did the Pharisees collaborate and why (15-16a)? What flattering question did they ask and how was it a trap (16b-17)? Why did Jesus call them hypocrites (18)? What did Jesus teach them and us (19-21)? What does this show about Jesus (22)?

  2. What story did the Sadducees present to Jesus and why (23-28)? Why were they in error (29-30)? Using God’s word, what did Jesus teach about God and the resurrection (31-32)? What does this show about Jesus (33)?

  3. What question did the expert in the law ask Jesus and why (34-36)? How did Jesus answer (37-38)? What second command did Jesus mention, and how are they related (39)? What did Jesus teach as the point of the Law and the Prophets (40)?

  4. What question did Jesus ask the Pharisees and what did their answer mean (41-42)? How did Jesus challenge their assumption about the identity of the Messiah (43-46)? What does this teach us about Jesus?

  5. How does Jesus’ teaching in this passage highlight his wisdom and authority as the Messiah? How should we respond to Jesus’ authority?