Bible Study View

Mark 1:16-39

by Mark Yang   05/22/2022   Mark 1:16~39



Mark 1:16-39

Key Verse: 1:38

1. What is the significance of Jesus calling disciples from the beginning (16-17, 19-20a)? What does “Come, follow me…” mean? What promise did Jesus make and how does this give hope and direction (17b)1? What can we learn from their response (18,20b)?

2. What did Jesus do in Capernaum, and how did people respond (21-22)? Why was Jesus’ teaching different from the teachers of the law? What can we learn here about who Jesus is and where his authority comes from?

3. How did a demon-possessed man respond to Jesus’ teaching (23-24)? How did Jesus deal with him (25-26)? How did people respond (27-28)? What does this further demonstrate about Jesus’ authority?

4. In what ways was Jesus' visit to Peter's house a blessing (29-31)? Why did the people come to him after sunset (32)? How did Jesus minister to them (33-34a)? Why didn’t he let the demons speak about him (34b)?

5. What did Jesus do early the next morning (35)? What can we learn from Jesus about the importance of prayer? What might Simon and his companions have expected from Jesus (36-37)?

6. Read verse 38. What did Jesus teach his disciples about his purpose in coming? What practical impact did this have on their immediate ministry (39)? How did this express Jesus’ vision to spread the kingdom?

  1. The words “I will send you out to fish for people,” are translated “I will make you become fishers of men” by the ESV, NASB, KJV and NKJV