Bible Study View

Mark 1:40-45

by Mark Yang   05/22/2022   Mark 1:40~45



Mark 1:40-45

Key Verse: 1:41

1. Who came to Jesus (40a)? What are the symptoms of leprosy, and how had this disease affected him physically, socially and spiritually (Lev 13:45-46; 2Ch 26:16-21)?

2. How did he approach Jesus, and what did he believe about Jesus (40b)? Why did he say, “If you are willing…”? What can you learn here about coming to Jesus?

3. Read verse 41.1 How did Jesus respond? What is the significance of Jesus’ reaching out and touching the man? What do Jesus’ words “I am willing…Be clean!” tell us about Jesus? What result did Jesus’ touch and words have on the man (42)?

4. What strong warning did Jesus give the man, and why (43-44a)? What instructions did Jesus give (44b)? What was the meaning of going to the priest and offering sacrifices as a testimony to them (Lev 14:2,8,19-20)?

5. What did the man do instead, and how did it impact Jesus’ ministry (45)? What can we learn here about how to respond after receiving Jesus’ grace?

  1. The word “indignant” appears only in the NIV 2011. Nearly all other versions say that Jesus “was filled with compassion” (see NIV footnote). Jesus’ indignation was not anger with the man, but an expression of his compassion.