Bible Study View

Mark 9:14-29

by Mark Yang   05/22/2022   Mark 9:14~29



Mark 9:14-29

Key Verse: 9:23

1. What did Jesus find at the foot of the mountain (14-15)? How did Jesus intervene (16)? How had an evil spirit tried to destroy a boy (17-18)? Why were the 9 disciples helpless?

2. How did Jesus diagnose the problem of those times (19a)? Why is unbelief such a serious matter? What do Jesus’ words “Bring the boy to me,” mean to us (19b)? How did Jesus engage in spiritual warfare (20-22a)?

3. What does the father’s desperate plea show about him (22b)? Read verse 23. What did Jesus teach the man about faith? What does the man’s response teach us about how to overcome unbelief (24)? What can we learn here about the power of faith?

4. How did Jesus set the boy free from the evil spirit (25-27)? What do you learn about Jesus who commanded the evil spirit and took the boy by the hand?

5. What motivated the disciples’ question (28; Mk 6:7,13)? What did Jesus teach them about prayer (29)? How is prayer related to faith?