Bible Study View

Mark 11:27-12:12

by Mark Yang   05/22/2022   Mark 11:27~12:12



Mark 11:27-12:12

Key Verses: 12:10-11

1. How did the religious leaders challenge Jesus and why (27-28)? What do “these things” mean (11:15-18)? How did Jesus expose their problem (29-33)? Why was it important to recognize John’s baptism?

2. In Jesus’ parable, who do the owner and the farmers represent (1)? How did the owner’s preparation reflect God’s heart for his people (Isa 5:1-7)? What does renting the vineyard imply about our relationship with God (Gen 2:8-17)?

3. What was the owner’s purpose in sending a servant to the tenants to collect some of the fruits (2)? How did they respond and what does this reveal about them (3-5)? What does Israel’s history teach us about God’s patience and man’s wickedness?

4. What does sending his son tell us about God’s love and hope for his people (6; Jn 3:16)? What fatal sin did the tenants finally commit and why (7-8)? How did Jesus warn the religious leaders about God’s righteous justice (9)?

5. Read verses 10-11. In quoting Psalm 118:22-23, what did Jesus teach about himself (Ac 4:10-11)? What does this mean to us (1Pe 2:4-6)? What can we learn about God who is working in a marvelous way? How did the religious leaders respond (12)?