Bible Study View

Luke 3:15-38

by Mark Yang   05/28/2022   Luke 3:15~38



Luke 3:15-38

Key Verse: 3:22

1. Read verses 15-16. Why did John need to clarify his identity? How did he do so? How did he introduce Jesus and his ministry? What does this mean?

2. Read verses 17-20. How did John exhort the people and proclaim good news to them? Why did Herod put John in prison? What does this say about the times?

3. Read 21-23. How was Jesus’ baptism different from that of the people? What happened when Jesus was praying and John baptized him? What did the voice of God say about him? Why was God pleased?

4. Skim through the names in the genealogy. How is this genealogy different from the one in Matthew 1? Some scholars say that Luke’s’ genealogy is that of Mary while Matthew’s is that of Joseph.

5. Notice with whom each genealogy begins and ends. Why do you think Luke traces Jesus’ linage back to Adam and to God while Matthew goes back to Abraham? Why do both include David?