Bible Study View

Luke 22:1-38

by Mark Yang   05/28/2022   Luke 22:1~38



Luke 22:1-38

Key Verse: 22:20

1. What did the Passover celebration commemorate (1; Ex 13:3,7-10)? What were the religious leaders doing (2)? What did Judas do and why (3-6)?

2. What instructions did Jesus give to prepare the Passover (7-13)? Why did Jesus prepare in this way (14-16)?

3. How did Jesus explain the meaning of the first cup (17-18)? What hope would this give them? Read verses 19-20. What does the broken bread and the cup mean (Jn 6:53-56)? What is the meaning of “the new covenant in my blood” (Jer 31:31-34; Heb 9:14-15)?

4. What sad and shocking prophecy did Jesus make (21-23)? What did the disciples dispute about and why (24)? How should the disciples’ mindset be different from Gentile rulers (25-27a)? How did Jesus set the example (27b)?

5. What privilege and hope did Jesus give to his disciples (28-30)? How were the disciples vulnerable and how did Jesus pray for and help Simon (31-34)? How did Jesus help them prepare for what was coming based on the Scriptures (35-38; Isa 53:12)?