Romans 1:18-32
Key Verse: 1:18
1. Read verse 18. Against what is God’s wrath being revealed? How is the wrath of God related to his righteousness (17)? What does “is being revealed” indicate? How do people respond to the truth?
2. How does God make his invisible qualities plain to people (19-20)? In regards to acknowledging God’s power and nature, why are people without excuse?
3. Although they knew God, what is people’s deliberate response (21a)? What are the serious consequences expressed in their thinking, hearts and actions (21b-23)? What should be our proper response toward God (21a, 25b)? Why is this such a privilege?
4. Note the repetition of “God gave them over” (24,26,28). To what did God give them over? What are the results (24-32)?
5. How do people get progressively worse when they live without God (21-32)? What is the effect on an individual, the family and society? In what way does this reveal the wrath of God?