Romans 5:1-21
Key Verse: 5:1
1. What are the results of being justified through faith (1-2a)? Why is having peace with God such a great blessing (9-10)? What does it mean to “gain access…into grace” (Eph 3:12; Heb 10:20)? What is our ultimate hope (2b)?
2. How has our attitude toward suffering changed, and why (3-4)? How can we be sure that hope does not put us to shame (5)?
3. How can we be sure of God’s love (6-8)? Why is God’s love so radical? What progressive comparison can you find in verses 9-10? What conviction does this give? What blessings do we have at present (11)?
4. How did sin enter the world, and what were the consequences (12)? Before the law was given, how was sin regarded (13)? What does the fact that people die, though there is no law, teach us (14a)? In what sense is Adam a pattern of Christ (14b)?
5. How is the gift not like the trespass (15-17)? What is the result of the trespass, and the gift of the one man? What are the serious consequences of one man’s disobedience and obedience (18-19)? What assurance does this give?
6. What was the purpose in adding the law (20-21)? What do learn here about the power of God’s grace?