1 Corinthians 10:1-11:1
Key Verse: 10:31
Of what fact did Paul want the Corinthian brothers not to be ignorant (1a)? After
the Exodus, what blessings did God give all the Israelites, and what spiritual
meanings did Paul see in these things (1b--4)? Nevertheless, what horrible thing
happened to those who did not please God (5; Nu 14:29,33,35)?
Read verse 6. How did Paul apply the historical lesson of the Israelites to us?
Specifically, what four evil things should we not do (7-10)? What three
consequences did the Israelites suffer? Why did God deal with testing him and
grumbling as severely as with idolatry and sexual immorality?
Why were these things written down (11)? Who did Paul address in verse 12?
What warning should all Christians always take to heart? Read verse 13. When
tempted, why should we not make excuses? How does God help us overcome? In
the time of temptation, why is it important to know that God is faithful?
Based on Israel's history, what strong admonishment did Paul give the
Corinthians (14)? What two participations does Paul mention here (16-20)? Why
must we not do both (17, 21-22)? In light of this, why should we not participate in
ungodly celebrations today?
What problem regarding freedom did Paul point out (23)? How then should we
use our freedom (24)? What freedom in Christ did Paul mention (25--27)? When
should this freedom be curbed (28-30; Ro 14:1-6,14-15)?
Read verse 31. In all things, what should our primary purpose be? Why is it so
important to live for God's glory in all we do? How did Paul apply this principle to
their situation? (32--33) How did Christ set a good example in this? (cf.Ro15:1--4)
How must we?