Bible Study View


by Mark Yang   06/19/2022   Ephesians 5:1~20



Ephesians 5:1-20

Key Verse: 5:8

1. What general exhortation did Paul give the Ephesians in regards to their lifestyle? (1) What motivation do they have to imitate God the Father? (4:6) In what specific respect should they imitate God? (2) How did Christ set a good example? Why is it so important to follow Christ’s example in the Christian fellowship?

2. What things must not be in the Christian fellowship? (3-4; Mk 7:21-22) Why? (3b,5) What should mark Christian speech? (4) What characterizes deceivers? (6) Why should we guard against them? (6) How should we respond to them? (7)

3. Read verse 8. What was the contrast between their past and present identity? Why did Paul remind them of this? How did Paul admonish them to live? What does “live as children of light” mean? (9) What should children of light be eager to do? (10)

4. How should we deal with deeds of darkness? (11-12) What happens when they are exposed? (13) How can this happen? (14; Jn 8:12)

5. What should Christians be very careful of in regards to their use of time? (15-16) What should we understand? (17; Ro 12:1-2) Why should we “make the most of every opportunity”? (KJV: “redeeming the time”)

6. What warning and exhortation does Paul give? (18) How is being filled with the Spirit similar to and different from being drunk on wine? (Ac 2:13)What are the results of being filled with the Spirit? (19-20) Why is it so important to have spiritual fellowship and worship in the church?