Colossians 1:15–23
Key Verses: 1:18-19
1. Who is Jesus in relation to God (15a)? How did Paul describe God (1 Ti 1:17; Jn 4:24)? What does it mean that Jesus is the “image” of God (Heb 1:3; Jn 1:18; 14:9b)?
2. What does the phrase “the firstborn over all creation” teach us about Jesus (15b; Jn 1:1,2)? [Here, the term “firstborn” does not mean created but preeminent.]
3. How does verse 16 explain the scope, means and purpose of Jesus’ creation? (Jn 1:3) How is Jesus continually involved in his creation? (17)
4. What is Jesus’ relation to the church? (18a) What does it mean that Jesus is the head of the church? (Eph 1:22,23) How did he become the head? (18b; 1Co 15:20–22; Ro6:9)
5. Based on verses 15–18, in what respects does Jesus have the supremacy? Why is Jesus alone sufficient? (19)
6. What did God do through Jesus? (20a) What does reconciliation mean? How did God reconcile all things to himself? (20b)
7. How did Paul describe our former condition? (21) What happened to us because of Jesus’ death? (22) What do we need to continue in? (23a)